I am ashamed to admit that I never gave blood until a few years ago. One of my schools had a memorial blood drive for a deceased staff member and after years of fearing I'd pass out, throw up, or flip out, I finally decided to see if my blood was fit for donation. I was happy to know that not only could I donate blood, but I had a type that was in demand.
Little did I realize that once I made the donor list, I'd be called as soon as my minimum number of days were up.
And called.
And called.
And called.
When I realized that the "unknown" on my phone was almost always the Red Cross, I began to ignore the call which only made them worse. They almost never left a message until they got desperate. Then I'd get a recorded plea. If that didn't work, I'd start getting things in the mail.
Eventually, I expected to see the Bloodmobile slowly drive back and forth in front of my apartment- only to take off with squealing wheels when I stepped outside.
I finally answered when they called this time to tell them that I am sick and I'm currently unable to donate blood right this minute. I also told them to please stop calling me constantly or I would stop donating. The caller swore up and down that no one had called since November and that several calls could possibly come in that were marked as "unknown."
I beg to differ.
I like giving blood. I like knowing I help someone and I plan on giving again. However, I just don't want to be hounded every 60 days as if I've defaulted on my car payments.
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