I lost respect for someone today.
It was a really difficult moment for me, because I thought this person was above the petty unprofessional bullshit that I've witnessed in leadership positions over the years.
I felt very much like a child again when I began to realize that everything my mom said was not true.
I felt like that the first time I realized a coworker I trusted had systematically betrayed me...for years.
I almost felt like I was falling for a second- and then it passed and I realized that there is really no one I can trust at work. There is no one who would not hesitate to throw me under the bus if it meant saving themselves.
This is why I don't socialize much with coworkers outside of the very rare happy hour. The moment I forget that these people are not my friends, just coworkers is the moment that could come back to haunt me later.
I really wish I didn't feel like this. I wish my faith in my professional counterparts could be restored. However, when the last person in the world that I would think to play favorites and behave unprofessionally does so in a way I never imagined, I'm forced to re-examine my judgement of character.
I'm sorry to hear it. That must suck. I've worked in places where I knew I couldn't trust some of the people I worked with, or just hated their breathing guts, but I'm a fairly trusting person, and I've never worked in a position where I couldn't trust or be friends with *anyone* I worked with.