I don't know why I bother posting comments under those stupid yahoo articles that show up on my homepage. From what I can see, most of them are from right wing nutbars. I put something up in support of gay couples being parents, knowing all the while that the bigots would go on the attack.
What amuses me is how many of the haters commenting were logged in under male names.
"Lesbians are unnatural."
I'm sure they are muttering that when they are wanking off to a girl on girl scene in porn. "Oh, this is unnatural and against god's teachings!" (fapfapfapfapfap).
I have tried to weed out such asshats from my FB friend which has meant deleting people I knew in high school. My first boyfriend is one of those guys who is still a staunch Republican. And a racist, misogynistic bigot. He used to say how sick it was that two guys had sex, yet when two women did it, he found it "cute."
Granted, he was 16 when he said it, but my guess is, he probably still feels this way. If his FB posts are any indication, he never really grew out of the narrow mindedness he had in 1986.
I'm glad I did.
Back then I was a Good Catholic Girl. I believe premarital sex could send you to hell, Jeebus, had come to earth to save us all, and ...well, you get the picture.
I know people think atheists and secularists are the undoing of America. That women who identify as such are out having abortions for the fun of it, that we are sluts for using birth control (according to Rush), etc.etc.
Well, who do you think these godless women are having sex with in order to need contraception or an abortion? If we were having sex with women (oh, how unnatural) we wouldn't need those things. Yet if we have sex with men, we are whores.
I feel like I have been transported back into the 1950s. My mother raised me on how a double standard exists, Nice Girls Don't, and that boys will call you names if you do. (And you wonder why I am in therapy).
I just cannot wrap my head around the preoccupation some people still have over what men and women do in the privacy of their own lives. I cannot understand how gay parenting and gay sex is ripping apart the fabric of our society. I cannot understand how straight sex is going to cause the earth to careen into the sun.
People have been doing these things for thousands of years. The only difference is that they don't do it in secret on pain of death anymore. If a just and righteous god didn't punish anyone before, what makes anyone think it will happen now?
Why aren't these same people worried that their god won't punish Americans for the pain and suffering we inflict on the world through our mindless consumption? People suffer and die so we can have our ipods, diet soda, and the tons of other crap we take for granted.
No one is commenting on that.